Instagram is the best social media platform in the world..... But recently it's been testing out friendship! June has seen API failures, a programming glitch, trust score issues and complete platform outage, here's what you need to know.
In early June Instagram started a new algorithm that resulted in lost connections for third party APIs. This effected scheduling programs, reporting software and growth algorithms alike.

WHAT THIS MEANS > Re-connection is 98% complete, only accounts with trust score (see below) issues are still having problems.
Instagram is focused on eliminating the white noise over saturation, the easiest way to achieve this is targeting rubbish outdated, old and rudimentary automation programs. These programs offer of no benefit to the Instagram community, instead they flood it with hundreds of thousands of rubbish comments, emojis and untargeted likes.

WHAT THIS MEANS > No official statement has been made by Instagram in regards to new daily limitations, but SPA continues to work well within the industry accepted limits, with advanced targeting and does not offer auto-commenting to ensure your accounts are not effected. For now please limit your manual engagement on the account.
Your trust score is how "trustworthy" you are as am Instagram user. Insta tracks everything you do and allocates you a score based on how important, valued and trusted you are in the insta community.
The obvious elements are how often you log in, how much time you spend, what you look at, what you like and engage with, what you read, comment and linger on. But, is goes much deeper than that. EG: the insta Photo Recognition Software (yes it's there, deal with it) compares the photo to the hashtags you use to make sure they match, also, if the geo-hashtags you use match the IP address location of your engaged community.
If your trust score falls then your have some issues, in June insta reset millions of account incorrectly to zero so many accounts started seeing Block notifications they shouldn't have.

FIXING TRUST SCORES > Firstly they aren't effecting everyone, if you haven't seen a "Action Blocked" screen pop up you should be in the clear. Then do the following
Click on the tell us option, that shows that you aren't a robot or computer
Stop manual actions yourself, if we are both doing action together we'll be doing too many
Restrict the number of people that have access to the account
Don't post for 24-48 hours
Don't use the business account for your personal viewing it changes the algorithm
Tell Social Pulse so we are aware > CLICK HERE TO TELL US
At this point in time, there has not been a public announcement from Instagram, we are keeping up to date with this to keep all our client's accounts safe and active. Once this statement is released we will make sure to keep you informed and we will have a better understanding of what the new guidelines are and why some accounts can run higher actions than others.
Remember, this is all part of Instagram progressing and endeavoring to make the user experience better for all, so while June 2019 will be a month we don't want to remember, we trust the future is still looking bright.
If you have any questions please contact us at any time and we'll have a deeper dive into your specific account and see if we can find some more information.
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Social Pulse
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